Howard Zail

Predictive Analytics Presentation on ERM to the Actuarial Society of New York

Howard Zail from Elucidor and Nefissa Sator from Forsides Actuary recently delivered a joint presentation to the Actuarial Society of New York on  “Solvency II and Predictive Analytics in LTC and Beyond:  How U.S. companies can improve Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) by using Advanced techniques developed for Solvency II and emerging predictive analytics methods”.  The presentation was …

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Data Science Articles

Here are some recent articles about data science that are worth reading: On Data Science education: Data Science should not be taught in business schools White House To Universities: We Need More Data Scientists Around the industry: IBM to open up Watson to third party developers Research Methods: How Science goes Wrong

Bayesian Analytics and the Presidential Election

Something interesting happened in the lead up to the presidential election.  Most of the mainstream media outlets were predicting a statistical dead heat between Obama and Romney, and only towards the end did some in the media start reporting that Obama had a razor thin margin. However, this so-called statistical tie was at odds with …

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Predictive Analytics in Long-Term Care

Howard Zail, partner at Elucidor, will be presenting ideas on predictive analytics in long-term care at the 2012 Society of Actuaries (SOA) annual conference.  He will present on Tuesday, October 16 in  “Session 112:  Hot Topics in Long Term Care Insurance.” Howard will describe how advances in predictive analytics can be applied in an insurance environment …

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Turing Award goes to Bayesian Network Specialist

The Turing Award, which is the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize, was awarded to Judea Pearl.  Pearl was honored for his contributions to artificial intelligence.  He championed a probabilistic way of creating smart computer systems rather than building a set of rules.  These systems are encapsulated in Bayesian Networks. Bayesian analysis forms a …

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Calstrs Reduces Assumed Rate of Return

The California State Teachers’ Retirement System (Calstrs), the second largest public pension fund in the US, reduced its assumed rate of return from 7.75% to 7.5%.  Calstrs is a $145 billion fund. According to Bloomberg, only 3 of the 11 U.S. pension funds with assets of more than $50 billion have reduced their assumptions since 2007-08.

Welcome to the New Elucidor Website

We are proud to announce the launch of the Elucidor Website.  Elucidor is a specialist actuarial consulting company that focuses on bringing advanced analytics to solving difficult  insurance-related problems. We hope you enjoy this website and welcome your feedback at