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Elucidor has moved across the road. Our new address is: Elucidor, LLC 140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 Tel: 212.532.6433 info@elucidor.com
Elucidor has moved across the road. Our new address is: Elucidor, LLC 140 Broadway, 46th Floor New York, NY 10005 Tel: 212.532.6433 info@elucidor.com
Howard Zail from Elucidor and Nefissa Sator from Forsides Actuary recently delivered a joint presentation to the Actuarial Society of New York on “Solvency II and Predictive Analytics in LTC and Beyond: How U.S. companies can improve Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) by using Advanced techniques developed for Solvency II and emerging predictive analytics methods”. The presentation was …
Predictive Analytics Presentation on ERM to the Actuarial Society of New York Read More »
Here are some recent articles about data science that are worth reading: On Data Science education: Data Science should not be taught in business schools White House To Universities: We Need More Data Scientists Around the industry: IBM to open up Watson to third party developers Research Methods: How Science goes Wrong
Something interesting happened in the lead up to the presidential election. Most of the mainstream media outlets were predicting a statistical dead heat between Obama and Romney, and only towards the end did some in the media start reporting that Obama had a razor thin margin. However, this so-called statistical tie was at odds with …
Bayesian Analytics and the Presidential Election Read More »
Howard Zail, partner at Elucidor, will be presenting ideas on predictive analytics in long-term care at the 2012 Society of Actuaries (SOA) annual conference. He will present on Tuesday, October 16 in “Session 112: Hot Topics in Long Term Care Insurance.” Howard will describe how advances in predictive analytics can be applied in an insurance environment …
The Turing Award, which is the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize, was awarded to Judea Pearl. Pearl was honored for his contributions to artificial intelligence. He championed a probabilistic way of creating smart computer systems rather than building a set of rules. These systems are encapsulated in Bayesian Networks. Bayesian analysis forms a …
Turing Award goes to Bayesian Network Specialist Read More »
The New York Times has an extensive article on how companies are exploiting big data analytics to create competitive advantages. The key take away from the article is: In business, economics and other fields … decisions will increasingly be based on data and analysis rather than on experience and intuition. We can start being a lot …
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System (Calstrs), the second largest public pension fund in the US, reduced its assumed rate of return from 7.75% to 7.5%. Calstrs is a $145 billion fund. According to Bloomberg, only 3 of the 11 U.S. pension funds with assets of more than $50 billion have reduced their assumptions since 2007-08.
Here is a classic Youtube video on the history of life expectancies throughout the world :
We are proud to announce the launch of the Elucidor Website. Elucidor is a specialist actuarial consulting company that focuses on bringing advanced analytics to solving difficult insurance-related problems. We hope you enjoy this website and welcome your feedback at info@elucidor.com.