Predictive Analytics Presentation on ERM to the Actuarial Society of New York

Howard Zail from Elucidor and Nefissa Sator from Forsides Actuary recently delivered a joint presentation to the Actuarial Society of New York on  “Solvency II and Predictive Analytics in LTC and Beyond:  How U.S. companies can improve Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) by using Advanced techniques developed for Solvency II and emerging predictive analytics methods”.  The presentation was very well received.  Although the the examples provided in the presentation were geared towards long-term care risks, the methodologies could be equally applied across other life & health and other business lines.

You can download copies of the presentation here:
PDF Version: Solvency II and Predictive Analytics in LTC
Powerpoint Version: Solvency II and Predictive Analytics in LTC

The presentation focused on how to implement a comprehensive management infrastructure for implementing an ERM program.  Also discussed were advanced predictive analytics methodologies and how they can be implemented as a core component of an ERM program.

Howard and Nefissa will also be presenting a more in-depth program on “Creating a successful ORSA program with lessons from Europe and utilizing advanced predictive analytics.”  The presentation will be held on June 29, 2015.  Actuarial Continuing Education credits will be available for the sesssion.

Further details can be found here:  ASNY ORSA Program

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